A BRIGHTLY GUIDED LIFE; How a Scientist Learned to Hear Her Inner Wisdom
by Ingrid Honkala, PhD
Recently, I was privileged to attend a presentation by the author of A BRIGHTLY GUIDED LIFE: How a Scientist Learned to Hear Her Inner Wisdom. The presentation was by Ingrid Honkala, PhD, a beautiful conscious 53 year-old native of Bogota, Columbia South America where she grew up with her parents and three sisters.
What makes Ingrid so special started when she experienced an NDE when she was two years old when she accidentally fell into a large pool of water and drowned. There she met a group of Angelic Beings of Light who she eventually recognized as her guides throughout the rest of her life. The only problem with that was that at age two after she was revived from the drowning incident she didn't really understand what had happened to her.
In the first part of the autobiography she deals with her various experiences and reactions to her new awareness of these Beings of Light, as she refers to them. And of course at a young age she did not have the language to describe what she was experiencing. As she became older she was eventually able to discuss what was happening to her on the inner with her mother and then later with her grandmother who both accepted her experience and validated it as real. This provided Ingrid with a measure of comfort.
Ingrid also had occasional premonitions of what her future life might be like. She states: “Although I grew up in the mountains my love for the ocean started when my parents brought me to see it for the very first time at the age of four. I perceived it as a huge blanket and told my mom that some day I was going to find what was hidden under it. At five I told my dad, “When I grow up I am going to become a marine scientist.” I pursued my dream and went to college where I graduated as a Marine Biologist and later continued my graduate studies until I got a Ph.D. in Marine Sciences with emphasis in Biological Oceanography. My passion for my career had brought me to be a very successful scientist in this field.”
When growing up and attending public schools Ingrid often felt out of place, ignored, extremely lonely and misunderstood both by her teachers as well as by her fellow students. It was a difficult time for her because she could not understand why she could be in touch with these Beings of Light and get guidance from higher realms, when her classmates could not! Who could she discuss this awareness with? If she did talk about it, she was certain they would think her crazy. She might even be locked up in a mental institution! For example one time she opened up to a nun at the local Catholic church and the nun’s response was to never bring the topic up again, or suffer the consequences.
In her young adulthood she was able to rely on the guidance of the Beings of Light to protect her and to avoid being abducted or even murdered during various situations she encountered on the streets of Bogota. In her middle years, for some reason she decided not to contact her guiding Beings of Light for a period of about ten years. The question is, WHY? Why would she do that when she had such wonderful guidance available to her just for the asking!
My own intuitive answer to this seeming incongruity is that perhaps she had chosen this life before being born in order TO undergo certain difficult experiences in order to learn and advance her soul development. And part of that design is trying to see what life would be like without the guidance of the Beings of Light. And of course she experienced much harder and difficult situations in that timeframe. It is also very probable that Ingrid was already a very evolved soul and decided to create such a challenging Earthly lifetime in order to advance to an even higher level while also providing teaching and guidance for other humans at the same time.
In my opinion another major reason for Ingrid to suffer so much in her middle period was because she was educated and trained as a scientist. Her life also provides us with a great lesson during the age we are living in which is so materialistic and grounded more in Science than in Spiritual Awareness. In this view we become aware that there needs to be a balance, and in the life of Ingrid Honkala we are able to witness exactly how this balance can and should work for all of us. She is a wonderful example to learn from!
If you like autobiographies of interesting talented spiritual individuals, I think you will enjoy this book, especially because she has had such an interesting and eventful life. There's a lot we can learn and take home by reading along as she tells her story.
A Brightly Guided Life on Amazon Watch Ingrid's video presentation on Wendy Zammit’s YouTube Channel