BACKWARDS: Returning to Our Source for Answers
Book Overview: BACKWARDS: Returning to Our Source for Answers by Nanci L. Danison
- I have read so many books people have written about their own NDEs that I find it difficult to find the time or the motivation to write about most of them. This one, however, titled“BACKWARDS: Returning to Our Source for Answers,” by lawyer, Nanci L. Danison, is an exception. Most people have what I would call limited NDEs in that they do not go very far into the higher dimensions before returning to their everyday Earth life. And so it was, on that fateful day of March 14, 1994 that Nanci was undergoing a fairly routine medical procedure designed to show her surgeon where to cut to remove three potentially cancerous lesions in her breast. The procedure had taken much longer than expected, and had to be repeated in order to get the wire marker deep enough into the breast tissue. It was painful, and emotionally traumatic for her body. She stated later, “I was alone when I died, because the radiologist and radiology technician both left me to perform other tasks, including getting their eighth set of mammography films developed.”
She was sitting alone in a room in a chair when it happened. The early stages of the NDE were fairly standard: She left her body, went into the Light, experienced overwhelming unconditional love, peace, joy, and acceptance, met Beings of Light, and had a life review. She stated. “What was dramatically different about my NDE was what I learned during these stages, as well as what happened to me during and after the life review.” I particularly love the revelations she had after being in the light for a while: “Chief among them was the realization that I am not a human being; that what I had been calling my soul is in fact who I really am. And who I really am is not human, but rather a separately existing spiritual being who only inhabited a human animal’s body. Moreover, the human animal I had inhabited has her own life, thoughts, emotions, and personality, and is perfectly capable of living out the rest of her lifetime without me inside.” What has stuck with me is the idea that we are Souls inhabiting or should I say co-existing within an ‘Animal Body!’ Many New Age philosophers simply say that we are Souls inhabiting a Body, but Nanci feels that it is more like we are co-habitating within the Animal Body which, without us, would still have a life of it’s own. And so that brings up the question of what we are doing here. Are we here to evolve not just our Soul, but also the Human Species as well?
This idea is not so far-fetched as it may first seem. I have come across this same idea expressed in the writings of LBL researcher Dr. Michael Newton as well. Dr. Newton is the author of three best-selling books, Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives (1994), Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives (2000), and Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression (2004). Dr. Newton has an international reputation as a spiritual regressionist who has mapped out much of our life between lives experience which helps to explain our immortal life in the spirit world.
You must realize that Dr. Newton was as straight as an arrow before he was almost literally forced into the world of past-life and in between life regression therapy. In other words, he was a SKEPTIC! But after conducting literally over 7,000 regression sessions, he got over being skeptical as he began to note various patterns that emerged. One such pattern that I observed was that in some of his regressions, some individuals would talk about how they, as Soul, when first merging with the developing fetus, would actually sort of ‘negotiate’ with it’s consciousness! And as a side note, most Souls do not choose to merge until sometime after the fifth month or even after the birth.
So, what conclusion(s) can be drawn from this observation? First off; We are Soul having an experience in a Human Animal Body. Why? For the purpose of our own as well as that of the Animal Body’s evolution and experience. In other words, we both benefit from this merger. Some philosophies would say that there is this on-going battle between the Consiousness of the Soul and that of the Ego, which would represent that of the Body. Makes perfect sense to me especially when I see this idea expressed by highly intelligent yet skeptical people who do not know each other!
This realization is just one of many that you may have if you choose to read Nanci Danison’s book. Her NDE experience evolves to the point where she has this higher realization: “… the whole of our universe transpires exclusively within the mind of Source. There is only one being in our universe—Source. All things that we perceive as physical reality are really thoughts manifested by Source within its own Energy field. And, most importantly, none of it ever leaves the Source. So, I intimately experienced the “knowing” that I am literally part of Source’s thoughts, and the illusion that I am separate from it is a gift from Source to itself in order that Source might fully explore its own personality and creativity.”
You can order her book online at Amazon or if you are low on funds and time, you can read a summary of it here at – I would suggest this very short video for starters, called What God Expects of Me.