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Cosmic Journeys: My Out-of-Body Explorations With Robert A. Monroe

I have long been interested in the work of Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe institute in Virginia. When he began his explorations in consciousness he had previously had a successful career in radio and was the owner of a network of five radio stations when he retired. He became known for his research into altered states of consciousness and for founding The Monroe Institute. His 1971 book, Journeys Out of the Body, is credited with popularizing the term OBE, "Out-of-Body Experience." Since then he has coached hundreds of people using his proprietary audio technology designed to help induce an OBE with the purpose of exploring higher consciousness.

I had recently read a book written by a woman called The Reluctant Messenger; Tales from Beyond Belief: An ordinary person's extraordinary journey into the unknown by Candice Sanderson, and produced a review of it for the August issue of the Inner Voice Magazine. In the book, which reads somewhat like a memoir, the author makes note of the fact that at some point after experiencing spontaneous downloads from higher dimensional beings, that she had decided to take some training at the Monroe institute in order to sharpen her abilities.

Because one thing leads to another, serendipity lead me to similar book called Cosmic Journeys: my out-of-body explorations with Robert Monroe by Rosalind McKnight. Ms. McKnight had coincidentally been introduced to Robert Monroe by a friend just before deciding to move from New York City to Virginia and had discovered that she would soon be living very near to the Monroe institute after having recently been introduced to Mr. Monroe by a friend. Was this coincidence or fate?

McKnight’s book, Cosmic Journeys, is primarily a memoir covering her many interactions with Robert Monroe as a subject during his early sessions experimenting with his unique original audio sounds to assist people in obtaining various states of out of body consciousness. As a beginner she was the perfect subject because she knew absolutely nothing about OBE consciousness. However, over a period of many years, she developed into a model subject and became very adept at going OBE. Mr. Monroe recorded all of the sessions and therefore many of the chapters in the book draw from the written material recorded by him. In the memoire Ms. McKnight injects her own personal reactions and describes her own views about what developed during these years. This was the main reason I decided to read her book and I wasn’t disappointed!

Rosalind McKnight was one of the first, and most successful, researchers to work with Robert Monroe at The Monroe Institute. She spent eleven years doing research in his laboratory setting. With the help of Mr. Monroe and his Hemi-Sync technology that put her into altered states of consciousness, she explored and reported on various levels of non-physical reality. In her first book, Cosmic Journeys, she described a visitation that she had in her earlier life by an energy form that she calls Radiant Lady. When Radiant Lady first appeared forty years ago, Radiant Lady said nothing, leaving the frustrated McKnight wondering about the purpose of her visit.

The second book by Rosalind McKnight is titled Soul Journeys. This book draws on her OBE experiences many decades later, without the need to be in the laboratory of Mr. Monroe. In 2003, Radiant Lady suddenly reappeared, announcing to McKnight that they had a mission to accomplish together. At this point Radiant Lady acts as a sort of "tour guide" into other dimensions where McKnight meets non-physical energies who share their own personal experiences of the dimensions which they inhabit.

Written for every soul on the planet, these unforgettable adventures emphasize that all of us have angels and spirit guides waiting to help us discover the inner workings of the multiple worlds in which we exist and to which we will all one day consciously journey.

Explorers are known for the journeys they take. Rosalind McKnight explored the vast nonphysical dimensions of consciousness. With OBE researcher Robert Monroe she helped to further our understanding of human consciousness, and to demonstrate beyond a doubt that we are more than our physical bodies. Many of these pioneering sessions are presented almost word for word, as they were taped, along with her warm and inspiring observations of Bob Monroe and the early days of The Monroe Institute (TMI).

Here are explorations of non-human energy systems, interactions with highly evolved beings, concepts about the makeup of the many levels of the universe, views of the afterlife and the animal dimensions, the nature of healing and guidance, a look at the future, and much more. Here is the pursuit of the true meaning of science fearlessly mapping wherever the inquisitive mind takes us.

Through the courage of Rosalind McKnight and other explorers at TMI, we are given, as Laurie Monroe writes in her introduction, "a clarity of perception and a sense of the greatness that is beyond our everyday life." Both books are available on Amazon: Cosmic Journeys & Soul Journeys

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I‘ve spent the last twenty plus years exploring the Afterlife, NDEs (near death experiences), pre-death experiences, and other related metaphysical topics. I have read hundreds books on these topics and I have more waiting on my night stand. I enjoy discussing these topics and sharing my insights along with book reviews and my own subjective experiences. Join me for a ride into the unknown as I try to make these ideas more known!

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