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Echoes of the Soul: The Soul's Journey Beyond the Light — Through Life, Death, and Life After Death

One Palm Sunday, Echo Bodine prayed to be granted a better understanding of worlds beyond this one, and three days later she found herself on an amazing voyage. Leaving her body behind, she traveled through life, death, and then beyond in a breath-taking vision of what awaits us all after this life. Echoes of the Soul is heartwarming and enlightening. In simple prose, Echo Bodine gently leads readers through realms of existence we all have yet to experience. Her inspiring images leave us with a hopeful vision of life after death — or, as Echo calls it, graduation, when we go to our real home. This inspiring and positive vision of the afterlife leaves the reader filled with hope, and even awe.

Until recently I had never heard of the psychic medium Echo Bodine; can you believe it? She's the author of over 13 books! When I stumbled upon her books I decided to jump in at random with this particular book. Another thing that attracted me to this book, published in 1999, was the fact that it has a forward by Nick Bunick of Portland Oregon whom I had met at his office there in 1998 in order to interview him for my radio program as he had just published the New York Times best selling book, The Messengers, so I figured it was a pretty good recommendation!

Echo Bodine is known internationally for her work as a spiritual healer and writer. She has appeared on numerous national television shows and has recently built a psychic healing center in her home town of Minneapolis. Website:

Echo’s book covers a good deal of ground concerning life and the transition to death as well as what it's like on the other side in the afterlife. My favorite chapter is titled, Heaven: The Other Side. It's interesting the way she arrived at this information. On Palm Sunday in the Spring of 1992 she said a little prayer that she wanted to know more about what life was like on the Otherside and then she completely forgot about the prayer... until a few days later when she was suddenly overtaken by the vision of a woman in spirit form who stood in front of her. The woman said, “Let's go, let's go!, but Echo felt afraid and started to pass out. Luckily her brother was in the house, came to her rescue and was able to get her to lie down on a couch where at that point the vision totally overtook her. She then had the equivalent of an NDE (near-death experience) without dying!

She was then greeted by an Angel who took her on a tour of Heaven and some of the various places and aspects that are common there. I won't go into detail here because then why would you read the book! One thing I will share was her last question about the entrance point into heaven. Evidently some newly deceased souls will find themselves in a hospital due to the need for healing and decompressing from Earth life. But according to what she discovered, there are also many different entrance points. The specific type of entrance point or healing is determined by the state of consciousness when the person transitions.

After Echo returned to her normal consciousness she found herself yearning for more of the heavenly experience. This sort of thing is common to people who have had NDE experiences. And as the years went on she said her ability to psychically see the Otherside has continued to grow stronger. Eventually she discovered five levels. Page 60 in the book starts to describe those levels. The level four vibration is about the highest level an evolved soul will experience before preparing to enter into level five. And once you're on level five the soul has no more karma and no desire or need to return to planet Earth.

On Amazon Reviews, M. Charlene Gardner stated, “If anyone is looking for answers to the many questions of ‘Why’ things happen, this is my all time favorite book! When I lost my only child I immersed myself in books and continue reading almost 6 years later. I have read many stinkers but also many books have opened up my heart and mind to so many things that I was previously oblivious to before. I know that losing my daughter was to open my heart to spiritualism & be closer to God. That's the price I had to pay for my soul's growth. Before,..... I had no faith, and now I have a totally different perspective about life, death and what is most important. We are all here to either teach or learn and when it's our time to re-join our beautiful children we'll understand why things happened the way they did. In the mean time, read this beautiful book and you too will have that "Ah Ha" moment.”

This book should appeal to people just starting to consider the possibility of reincarnation. It is clearly written in a straightforward style and the examples offered of individual cases are obtained by the use of a form of Echo’s special form of "psychic perspective" whereby the she intuitively develops an assessment of various clients. The book is not incredibly long and the content is gentle and profound. It serves as a good starting point for those new to these concepts and a nice lift for those who are already well versed on the continuation of the soul.

Echo Bodine is cool, and so is her book. I recommend this very interesting book of her stories. Two thumbs up. Get on Amazon or wherever books are sold.

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I‘ve spent the last twenty plus years exploring the Afterlife, NDEs (near death experiences), pre-death experiences, and other related metaphysical topics. I have read hundreds books on these topics and I have more waiting on my night stand. I enjoy discussing these topics and sharing my insights along with book reviews and my own subjective experiences. Join me for a ride into the unknown as I try to make these ideas more known!

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