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LEAVING THE TRAP: How to Exit The Reincarnation Cycle by Isabella A. Greene

What happens after death? Is reincarnation entrapment awaiting you? How do we prepare for the final departure, and is that departure really final? LEAVING THE TRAP: How to Exit The Reincarnation Cycle by Isabella A. Greene takes the reader on a journey of out-of-body into the “Heavens” and “Hells” of the Astral Spheres via Quantum Travel through the Cosmos and into the higher realms. The author follows up with recommendations on how to best prepare for the final exit, interact with the beings that greet us after death, and ultimately escape from the cycle of reincarnation trapping souls on Earth.

Most people these days will at least acknowledge the concept of reincarnation. Obviously the idea has existed for centuries in mostly the Eastern religions such as Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. In the West for the first 500 years of Christianity, reincarnation was a vital component of Christian doctrines. In fact, early Christians and church fathers firmly believed in reincarnation. However, in AD 543, the ruler of the Roman Empire, Emperor Justinian I, blatantly and brutally removed the teachings of reincarnation from the scriptures of Christian orthodox doctrines.

Isabella Greene
Isabella Greene

These days, due to our advanced communication networks, we are now able to learn of the personal

experiences of others who have demonstrated proof of past lives and thus thus know a bit more about reincarnation in general. Recent books offering proof that our consciousness survives are: Journey of Souls by Michael Newton, PhD., and Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation by Ian Stevenson M.D., and Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives by Brian L. Weiss. So the question is not whether or not reincarnation exists, but the next logical question which has been raised recently by a few curious and intelligent individuals, is whether or not reincarnation may be a trap!

In the introduction to Exit the Cave: Ending the Reincarnation Trap by Howdie Mickoski he states: “Standard spirituality, religion and the New Age tell us that we live in a wonderful world, made by a creator who loves us. Yet some groups, such as the Gnostics and Cathars, believe that we live in a virtual reality simulation, fashioned by an evil creator, with the purpose of consuming our energy and keeping our soul trapped. Plato created the allegory of the Cave to present that we live in a non-real reality, and in fact, are prisoners in it.”

If reincarnation is indeed a trap then we must ask Who is benefiting from the trap? Some have suggested the possibility of non-human beings who live off of the fear energy emitted by humans caught in the never-ending battles on Earth. Years ago I remember hearing Linda Molton Howe, the reporter on the Art Bell Radio Program, who always said that the Greys were interested in the recycling of souls. At that time she did not know why or what it all meant, but was very suspicious to her. Now we have some answers here in Isabella's book.

Some philosophies state that we are here for the experience and that if we can master living in the muck and the mire provided by the low vibration conditions on planet Earth and still somehow remain loving and kind, then we can graduate, or ascend to a higher plane beyond the astral. 

After death most individuals will find themselves at one level or another in the Astral planes. Higher developed beings will be in the upper areas and lower level beings in the lower areas. According to the author there is a hard ceiling even for those who have made it to the very top level of the astral. She claims that even though they may have made it to this high plane, there is still a hard barrier beyond which they cannot escape or ascend. However, Isabella says in her book that she had accidentally discovered this and also found a way out!

Most people when they meditate can eventually learn to go OBE (Out of Body) traveling and that means they can project their consciousness anywhere on Earth and even into the Astral planes to explore life there. However, the author claims that this type of propulsion is not enough to make it to the heavenly realms beyond the astral. That it takes a great deal more of an energy push in order to accomplish this.

What she's talking about is basically doing Cobra Breath Work. The Cobra Breath pulls Shakti (or magnetic) energy into the spine, changing the electromagnetic properties of the cerebrospinal fluid, allowing Kundalini to move up the spine. As the brain bathes in this magnetized fluid, the nervous system is transformed, and you awaken to a new consciousness.

A similar style of breath-work is taught by Joe Dispenza which is the method used by the author. Isabella states that after doing this type of breath-work, she found herself projected into what she describes as the Great Void. This is something I have heard described before. This is as close to God as you can get! And once achieved, when it comes time for actual death the practitioner can use this technique to escape the endless cycles of reincarnation and be free - free at last!

With explanations short and to the point and the areas of research clearly outlined, LEAVING THE TRAP: How to Exit Reincarnation Cycle is an invitation for awakened and curious minds to deepen their search for the answers that best serve their spiritual paths. It’s a short book; an easy read. You should read this! Get in on Amazon!

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I‘ve spent the last twenty plus years exploring the Afterlife, NDEs (near death experiences), pre-death experiences, and other related metaphysical topics. I have read hundreds books on these topics and I have more waiting on my night stand. I enjoy discussing these topics and sharing my insights along with book reviews and my own subjective experiences. Join me for a ride into the unknown as I try to make these ideas more known!

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