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Love Ever After: How My Husband Became My Spirit Guide

Updated: Dec 16, 2022

by Joy Mitchell Lisker

In some ways this book reads like Conversations with God, yet it all began with a murder. In 1983 Bob Lisker suffered a tragedy of biblical proportions. His wife, Dorka, had been brutally murdered in their Los Angeles home and his teenage son, Bruce, despite pleas of innocence, was convicted of the crime and sentenced to life in prison. Tormented by the loss of his wife and his only son, this conservative attorney, former Marine and pillar of the community attempted to contact the spirit of his dead wife to find out who killed her. This set the stage for the extraordinary Afterlife communications his 2nd wife, Joy Mitchell Lisker, received after Bob suddenly died of a heart attack. According to Joy, Bob Lisker was the least likely candidate to be a spirit guide. Yet from the moment he left his body, he gave her a guided tour of the Afterlife.

This is a very beautiful and touching took to read. Here are some of the fascinating things that Joy discovered answers to:

  • A spiritual perspective on the Lisker family tragedy

  • How to contact your loved ones on the Other Side

  • How spirits live and learn on the Other Side

  • What happens when we die

  • Reincarnation and the illusion of time

  • How to Recognize Your Life Path

  • How to Attract Money

  • Bob's 12 step program to realize your dreams

  • How the soul chooses it’s lessons

These topics are just a few of what is featured in this uplifting and knowledge-increasing book. Bob mentions to Joy that it is important for people to find ways to be happy (regardless of what is going on externally in their life), and I believe you too will be able to appreciate and see the good in even the more difficult situations in life. The main theme of the story are the questions the second wife, Joy, the author asked him about death and the afterlife and the answers she received. This will no doubt answer a lot of the questions anyone might have about the afterlife.

Here’s a typical sample of their dialogue: Q. “Happy Birthday, my love! I have a special question for you this morning. What do you feel is the most significant thing you've learned since you left your body that might be helpful to those of us who are still here?

A. That's a big question! But the answer would probably be this: Everything that happens in your life is ultimately for your benefit. Obviously, it's hard to see this when you're in the throes of a trauma, but after the storm subsides, you'll always find the rainbow if you look for it.

“I put down my pen and took a moment to think about what Bob said. Looking back on my life, several events came to mind that seemed negative at the time, but ultimately turned out to be for my benefit. Back in the sixties I had a job I hated because my boss was a tyrant, but I was hesitant to leave because we needed my paycheck to make ends meet. Then all of a sudden I got fired for the first time in my life and I was devastated—how were we going to pay our bills? But the very next day I landed one of the best jobs I'd ever had. I remembered another incident during my first marriage when the bank turned down my application for a loan to pay off my husband's debts. I was depressed for a week. But as it turned out, not getting the loan was the best thing that could have happened, because I would have been the one stuck with all the payments after the divorce."

Throughout the book there is this constant thread of a story which speculates about whether or not their son killed his mother. Bruce Lisker, the son, was tried and sent to prison for that murder. So in addition to this book providing information about the Afterlife, it also outlines a real-life “murder mystery” story as well. And towards the end of the book, just when you think it should be winding down, there are epilogues and afterwards which provide on-going updates to what happens to the incarcerated son, bruce as well as how Joy attracts and navigates a new relationship! And there’s even more to the various stories after the book ends in the form of an additional book and newspaper articles! This is an intriguing story that will capture your attention and imagination long after the book ends! Get it on Amazon here!

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I‘ve spent the last twenty plus years exploring the Afterlife, NDEs (near death experiences), pre-death experiences, and other related metaphysical topics. I have read hundreds books on these topics and I have more waiting on my night stand. I enjoy discussing these topics and sharing my insights along with book reviews and my own subjective experiences. Join me for a ride into the unknown as I try to make these ideas more known!

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