Multidimensional Man
Book Overview: Multidimensional Man by Jurgen Ziewe
If you’re at all interested in a preview of what it might be like when you pass out of this world and into the higher dimensions, then Multidimensional Man by Jurgen Ziewe is a book for you!
Multidimensional Man is a detailed 40 year record which takes OBEs (out-of-body experiences) and lucid dreaming to another level while remaining divorced from dogma and the confines of any belief systems; especially religious belief systems. Jurgen makes it very clear that this book is an accurate unbiased record of his experiences out of body starting back in the 1970s which began as a result of intense and disciplined regular meditation. Think of Jurgen as a reporter who ventures into unknown territories and then reports as accurately as he can, what he saw and experienced. Additionally, since he is an experienced technically trained animation artist, he has the ability to re-create extremely detailed visual renderings of what he saw in both 2D as well as 3D art!
Unlike other OBE authors, in the beginning Jurgen Ziewe (he’s German), wasn’t even trying to induce OBEs; they were simply a bi-product of his meditations. You get the feeling that, for him, the OBEs were a let-down because he was after much loftier goals like experiencing God, Nirvana. The author makes it clear that these were very conscious experiences. In most cases what he experienced was what he describes as “hyper-conscious or super-conscious; his awareness was brighter and he was more alert than in waking life.” In fact these are at times so realistic that he actually questions whether he’s in-the-body and then he has to do some gravity-defying feat like jumping 100 feet in the air while doing summer-salts to prove to himself that it’s an OBE and not Earthly waking life!
It has been pointed out that most OBE’ers are usually confined to explorations of the lower Astral Dimensions. This is where most people first go when they die as well. Jurgen theorizes that for most people who have rigid belief systems or perhaps no concept at all of what ‘heaven’ or the Afterlife might be like, most of them will experience a world very similar to what their life was like on Earth before they died. However, if they were depressed or had negative views, then they were more likely to get stuck on a lower astral dimension in a sort of ‘hell’ of their own making. I always think of that scene in the movie, What Dreams May Come, where Robin Williams’ wife commits suicide and gets stuck in some forlorn depressing place which obviously matched her state of mind when she crossed over.) Jurgen cites the case of his own mother who was extremely depressed when she died due to the mental and physical abuse she suffered at the hands of her second husband. So for a few years he was not able to contact her. Then about three years later he was able to meet her in a very pleasant environment that would be akin to heaven (as most of us might picture it).
However, it was always Jurgen’s goal to go as high as he could; to attain true Nirvana. Along the way he encountered many potential traps and pitfalls, but that is part of what makes the book so engaging; it is a true adventure in consciousness! And since consciousness is all we ultimately have, in my opinion we owe it to ourselves to start to do our own experiments so that when that day arrives – the day when we cross over – we will be prepared as best we are able, to continue the journey starting on the ‘highest note’ possible. Now would be a good time to start expanding our awareness, whether through meditation or some other form of concentration or expansive activity.
Multidimensional Man is a very down-to-earth exploration that will inspire you whether you’re an atheist or skeptic or someone with an interest in psychology or metaphysics to explore the realms accessible through altered states of awareness. Another book reviewer, Bob Peterson, summed it up perfectly: “If this book had been written two thousand years ago, religion would have changed. People would have a completely different picture of heaven and the afterlife. Oh, people were having OBEs back then, and their descriptions live on in texts like the book of Revelation (of John), but the thing is, they were interpreted through a relatively primitive understanding of reality. I’d say Ziewe’s book is no less important than those religious texts.”