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Proof of Miracles: Profound True Stories of Hope and Healing

Book Overview: Proof of Miracles: Profound True Stories of Hope and Healing

by Debra Martin

- In July 2021 a friend suggested reading this book about a healer-medium who conducts spiritual healings by connecting with God, so I purchased this book and dug in. After a while I realized that back in 2015 or so I had read a similar book which I believe

to be her first book titled, Direct Connect to God. That book was a collaboration between Debra Martin and Sheri Getten. Back those days they worked as a team, where Debra made the connection with God while Sheri channeled Reiki healing vibrations to the person. After awhile, I surmise that this became rather cumbersome because they had to have the healee there in person with them. And that this became untenable over time and especially after the pandemic made it impossible to see clients in person. This created the need and also the opportunity for Debra to start doing long distance healing via zoom or by phone.

What I find interesting about Debra's technique is that she tunes into the healee and then also into what she perceives as God. (Who really knows?) Then, as the session rolls along she gets impressions of what may need to be done by the healee, and she also gets impressions of what may be the root cause of whatever condition they are trying to heal. The issue could be something in the person's perceptions, or from childhood, or even from a past life. Whatever it is, Debra gets impressions which she then conveys either in real time or after the session is over. (She takes notes)

Debra states, "I have developed a healing technique of my own through God, which is not being done anywhere else in the world. I am bringing each person who has a healing a direct connection with God. I provide the connection to God by being his instrument to send energy to help the healing process." Another unique aspect of what Debra does is that she may also feel the pain that the healee should have felt if they were not being assisted by Debra. For whatever reason she is willing to bear this pain and sometimes it is quite substantial.

Did I mention that Debra Martin is also a medium? That's how she started out anyway. And her life story as to how she got to this point of being able to be a medium, a psychic, and a healer is quite the story in and of itself! She had to endure a lot of trials and tribulations in order to get to this point! And along the way she found herself raising children by herself for quite a few years after a divorce. Not an easy task while trying to earn a living at the same time. (Debra has no college degree and so she had to start a daycare to make ends meet.)

In the first chapter, My Journey To Becoming A Medium, Debra says that she was born with the gift of being a medium. She started seeing deceased loved ones or what she called Spirit at the age of four. She had a difficult time growing up due to the fact that her mother was slowly deteriorating over a span of 13 years and died when she, Debra was 20 years old while pregnant with her first child. After that her father committed suicide while she was pregnant with her second child. It took her many years to heal all the while wondering why she had to go through all of this pain, however she now realizes that she can look back at her past and see how it is helped her grow into the person she is today. As part of her story, Debra describes miraculously being saved from accidents in which she should have been instantly killed, as well as other harrowing incidents.

The core of this book contains chapter after chapter of engrossing stories of individuals she has helped heal. The typical chapter format is that Debra will provide a brief introduction to set the framework for the story of healing, followed in most cases by the story as told from the perspective of the healed person herself. I felt that this was a very stimulating way to capture the story not only from a factual basis, but also a spiritual and an emotional basis.

All in all, if you're looking for encouraging and inspirational stories of miraculous healings, then this book will be inspirational for you!

Her website:

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I‘ve spent the last twenty plus years exploring the Afterlife, NDEs (near death experiences), pre-death experiences, and other related metaphysical topics. I have read hundreds books on these topics and I have more waiting on my night stand. I enjoy discussing these topics and sharing my insights along with book reviews and my own subjective experiences. Join me for a ride into the unknown as I try to make these ideas more known!

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