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Soul Agreements by Dick & Tara Sutphen

Book Overview by Steve Freier

Soul Agreements is essentially a continuation of the book Dick Sutphen wrote which was the million-copy bestseller back in 1976 called You Were Born Again to Be Together: Fascinating True Stories of Reincarnation That Prove Love Is Immortal. The ifor this initial book was, “After being hypnotized and shown his own past lives, Dick Sutphen went on to become a practitioner of hypnosis and past-life regressions. Over the years, he worked with many people and discovered the importance of karma: that we have lessons to learn, and if we do not do so in one lifetime, we will encounter similar karmic situations in another lifetime. Other people are instrumental in our learning these karmic lessons, and we can be tied to certain individuals in life after life. In this first book, Sutphen does regressions with several clients and includes transcripts of their sessions. In hearing their stories, we discover what these people came to understand about the challenges in their present lives after they were able to observe their past.

I have been aware of new age guru and entrepreneur, Dick Sutphen for many years. Dick (1937-2020) was an author, hypnotist, and seminar leader. Dick Sutphen was called “America’s foremost psychic researcher” and “America’s leading past-life therapist” In addition he has authored 23 additional metaphysical books and more than 600 hypnosis, meditation, and regressive hypnosis audio programs.

Dick Sutphen is known for promoting Sedona Arizona starting back in the 1980s where he claimed to feel the vortexes in the area. After that he made a career out of psychic workshops held on Sedona’s vortexes aimed at developing psychic abilities, and publishing books about the vortexes and their powers.

After all these years of being aware of his work but not really paying much attention to it, I thought it was time to pick up one of his many popular books and actually read it to see what he had to say. That book happened to be Soul Agreements. In this book Dick works in conjunction with his wife Tara Sutphen who is a deep trance psychic and astrologer.

The introduction states this: “While in spirit, before you were born, you wrote a script for your life on Earth that included soul agreements establishing your relationships with your parents, lovers, children, and others who would affect your life in meaningful ways. Your career directions were planned out, as well as the major challenges you would encounter. This karmic road map was programmed at a soul level and can be examined by psychic researchers like Dick and Tara Sutphen. In Soul Agreements his investigations expand to a variety of cases: a woman born with a severe disability; a couple who came together to experience tragedy; and others who incarnated to be famous, or influential, or to become healers.

In addition to the wonderful information and soul-life examples depicted in the book, what I enjoyed most about how soul agreements was written was the easy fluid style. For instance each chapter typically starts with a paragraph or two discussing the individual that they are going to work on and how they met that person and the reasons why they actually decided that having a past life regression might be beneficial to them. In most cases the client is someone they have casually met or perhaps is one of their friends, neighbors or associates they've met through their work. The flow from one story to the next is very natural and pleasing as well as educating the reader while building to more complex situations along the way.

Towards the center of the book they begin focus a little more pointedly as they begin working with a couple of healers they have met. One woman healer was known for taking on the disease of her subjects and than having the ability of dissipating the disease problem relatively quickly… until she can’t anymore. So with this issue in mind they regress her and talk with her soul in order to discover why she planned this sort of life, and why she now has this new problem and how to deal with it going forward.

So, what’s the payoff to you, the reader, after obtaining the knowledge from his research? You can learn a whole lot about how and why we plan our lives before birth to include difficult the karmic situations that go along with those choices. This book is really an enlightened teaching! Once you understand how soul agreements work, Dick teaches you how to make the most of your destiny. The more self-actualized you are, the less likely you will be adversely affected by negative life experiences. This awareness shows you how to best override fate and create your own reality of love and success.

Get it on Amazon or wherever!

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I‘ve spent the last twenty plus years exploring the Afterlife, NDEs (near death experiences), pre-death experiences, and other related metaphysical topics. I have read hundreds books on these topics and I have more waiting on my night stand. I enjoy discussing these topics and sharing my insights along with book reviews and my own subjective experiences. Join me for a ride into the unknown as I try to make these ideas more known!

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