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The Masters’ Reincarnation Handbook: “Journey of the Soul”

Channeled by Toni Ann Winninger, Compiled by Peter Watson Jenkins.

Over the years I have read a great deal of material concerning the topic of reincarnation and I have found that it can be quite a challenge to try to understand due to the many religious and metaphysical interpretations as well as the narrow limitations of the human perspective; however this small book does a powerful job of synthesizing and summarizing the reasons for reincarnation while also providing details about how it actually works. So if you don't like to read much, or conduct research, like I do, this might be the book for you!

The book was channeled by Tony Ann Winninger and compiled and edited by Peter Watson Jenkins. According to the authors, the information comes from Masters of the Spirit World and thus the title, the Masters Reincarnation Handbook: Journey of the Soul.

The book is divided into three sections, Part One deals with Source (God) and describes the basis of how and why we souls got created and the reason for the cycles of birth, death and re-birth; reincarnation. Part Two describes how we migrate from our heavenly home to earth and how our God-given freedom of choice creates our experiences to take back God Source. Part Three has to do with our final transition back home to Source. There are a few different ways in which we may end the assignment such as regular death by old age, from disease, by accident or by suicide, etc. and then how the cycle would end with a life review and also what it's like between incarnations before we finally make our return to source.

The Introduction states the following: “Small book Powerful message. This is the only book you simply must have to understand the idea of reincarnation. The book's authors are a group of senior spirit guides who live at Home on the Other Side. They know all about our life here on Earth and explain in detail how, as eternal souls, we choose a series of human lives to learn lessons and to gather knowledge. This leads to growth in wisdom and maturity. The Masters' teaching about the journey of the soul has been translated by leading clear channel Toni Ann Winninger, whom they have chosen to be their human voice for this important spiritual publication.”

Part One discusses: Source, The Dimension called Home, Time, Space, and the Universe, The Purpose of the Soul, The Reason for Incarnation Planet Earth and Other Places, Nurturing the Soul’s Growth, The Advisory Council, The Soul Group, Soul Mates and Twin Flames.

Part Two discusses: Freedom of Choice, Choosing Experiences and Contracts, Negativity as a Choice, Choice of Parents, Gender, Gifts, Physical Connection with the Fetus, Miscarriage and Abortion, Physical and Soul Interaction, Downloading the Records, Amnesia, How Soul Lessons are Learned, The Ego and the Soul, Accidents, Disease, and Old Age, Heaven and Hell.

Part Three discusses: Ending the Assignment, Death, Suicide, Divesting Attachments, Choosing to Stay, Returning Home, Life Review, Living between Incarnations, Returning to Source. 

Part One addresses The Purpose of the Soul. “The creation of individual souls took place when Source broke off parts of itself in order to be able to have experiences which were then outside that unconditional love of which it was composed and in which it existed. Souls maintain all of the glory of the Source from which they arose and to which they remain energetically connected. Those who choose to come to Earth to experience duality, where everything has an opposite, initially enter the Earth plane with amnesia concerning this duality, their mission, and their personal past. Full recollection of the particular experiences of each soul is kept in a recorded volume called its Akashic record.”

Part Two addresses Freedom of Choice. “Once it is decided that a soul is going to have an experience on Earth, the first and foremost universal law comes into play— the soul’s freedom of choice. Everything that happens to the soul at any stage of its existence, whether physical or non‐physical, is determined by that soul’s own choice. All that happens in every second of the day on Earth is not pre‐determined, but the desired major life‐lessons are decided well in advance.” 

Part Three addresses Returning to Source. “If a soul returns Home before fully understanding all the facets of its task, it will have to return to Earth to do it over again. In some cultures this carry‐over is called ‘karma.’ This is not a punishment but rather an uncompleted task the soul itself wants to accomplish. When the soul has finished and has understood all the lessons it came to learn, it may choose to return Home immediately or to use its remaining Earth time to enter into service of other souls. The truth of the matter is that souls are never away from Source. Source energy is everywhere and in everything. Source energy is the very energy of each individual soul. Souls never have to return because they never left.” 

I really enjoyed this book. In just a few pages it was able to provide succinct answers to most any question anyone might have about understanding the subject of Reincarnation and the reasons why Souls choose to incarnate on Earth. Get this kindle book on Amazon for $.99 or from the publisher’s website, CelestialVoicesInc for free! 

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I‘ve spent the last twenty plus years exploring the Afterlife, NDEs (near death experiences), pre-death experiences, and other related metaphysical topics. I have read hundreds books on these topics and I have more waiting on my night stand. I enjoy discussing these topics and sharing my insights along with book reviews and my own subjective experiences. Join me for a ride into the unknown as I try to make these ideas more known!

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