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The Other Betty White & Some Syncronicities of the Ouija Board!

Discussion: Betty White Keeps Showing Up!

Last year my longtime blog website crashed. However, I was lucky enough to be able to save most of the content. Recently I have started to reconstruct the site on a different platform. It’s a work in progress, but it is a ‘good work’ because it is compelling me to re-read and re-consider what I have written and it’s meaning in the Bigger Picture. To me the books represent puzzle pieces and have become a sort of a game to discover what the pieces represent as part of the Assembled Picture.

For example, I have long been fascinated with “The Betty Book” series, the first of which was simply titled, The Betty Book, which was published in 1937 by her husband and famous adventure book author, Stewart Edward White. He kept the source of the channeled information a secret, which of course was his wife Betty. Why? Because in those days “Excursions into the World of Other Consciousness” might taint your reputation, especially if you were a card-carrying member of San Francisco’s exclusive ‘Blue Book’ high society.

It was at a party in the 1920s that Betty first became conversant with things metaphysical when she was conned into trying her hand on a Quija Board. As it turned out, she was a wiz at it and soon learned automatic writing, followed closely by voice channeling. After husband Stewart published a couple more channeled books along the same lines, Betty passed on to the Great Beyond herself. What to do? How would he go on without Betty?

Lucky for Mr. White, he had read another earlier channeled book, Our Unseen Guest, by Darby & Joan. Darby & Joan also began their communication with entities on the Otherside via the initial use of a Quija Board! Stewart had became friendly with them and soon Joan was channeling Betty White! Through this association Mr. White was able to compose and publish the most famous book of the Betty Book series, The Unobstructed Universe. This book held a great fascination for me as well, so much so that I named my blogsite after it.

What is synchronistic about all this is that I later discovered that the Whites had lived close-by my Kathleen and me, in nearby Hillsborough, CA. Further, I discovered that Kathleen, in her first marriage, had lived about a mile from the Whites in the San Mateo Park area. And what is even more synchronistic is the fact that Betty White died on April 5th, 1939 and Kathleen was born on April 5, 1944! Maybe Betty White came back through Kathleen?

If you did not know Kathleen, she was very spiritual and even held salon-style group sessions in her home back then to discuss spiritual topics such as Theosophy, Mdm. Blavatsky etc. If you look at the overall tenor of what Betty white was interested in; it was higher level spirituality as well. She was not interested in being a medium to help people communicate with their dead loved ones!

Another book I found which synchronistically overlapped my research and interests was, Breaking the Death Barrier by Lisa, who obviously wanted to remain anonymous. The book was released in 1974 through a local publisher in Southern California. It is super rare now. The gist of the story is as follows. In 1945, as WWII was ending, Lisa, while ‘playing’ with a Quija Board with her friends, received clues indicating that her pilot husband may be injured or dead. The clues included Hürtgen and Aachen Germany. She was understandably upset. Then bout four months later she received official proof from the War Department confirming the clues provided by the Ouija - that her husband had died in the Battle of Hürtgen Forest.

After Lisa had recovered sufficiently, she and her dedicated group of girlfriends continued to work with the Ouija Board. In time they made contact with a spirit by the name of Betty White whom they had never heard of. However, Betty provided solid evidence of her existence. They were told to go to the local library and look for the Betty Books! They were also given the names and editions of a couple of popular magazines to track down which contained certain articles to read pertaining to psychic phenomena. Everything checked out and so they became convinced that Betty White was the ‘real deal,’ had once lived in a body and now a sincere and reliable source of information from which they could ask questions learn.

Many critics have given the Ouija Board a bad rap. However, you could say the same thing about the dangers of driving a car without proper training. Therefor, I present to you a fine book written along these lines, The Spirits of Ouija; Four Decades of Communication by Karen Dahlman. This is a fascinating book. It is comprehensive in its scope and most likely one of the few substantial modern day books about the use of the Ouija Board available today. I have a full review of it on my blogsite here!

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I‘ve spent the last twenty plus years exploring the Afterlife, NDEs (near death experiences), pre-death experiences, and other related metaphysical topics. I have read hundreds books on these topics and I have more waiting on my night stand. I enjoy discussing these topics and sharing my insights along with book reviews and my own subjective experiences. Join me for a ride into the unknown as I try to make these ideas more known!

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