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The Reluctant Messenger: Tales from Beyond Belief: An ordinary person's extraordinary journey

By Candice Sanderson

I recently came across this title, was intrigued by it and so decided to read it so I could become an intimate observer of this seemingly ordinary woman’s journey of unfoldment and opening to the spiritual realms. The Reluctant Messenger chronicles the spiritual journey of Candice M. Sanderson, a high school psychologist who inadvertently veered off life’s comfortable path when she began to receive messages from other realms of existence.

One day everything changed. Her extraordinary journey into the unknown began during an early morning commute. She received communications too strong to ignore, and this forced her to work through doubt, fear, and her own professional training and judgement in order to acknowledge them. Though reluctant, over time, Candice became a messenger, bringing news of verifiable spiritual dimensions. She learned about the fluid nature of time and how near-death experiences could alter timelines. The communications contained both universal and personal messages of love and hope. She learned of the very nature of our existence and eventually felt compelled to share that knowledge.

What made it difficult for her in the beginning was her clinical training and decades of experience had taught

her to measure truth by the five physical senses. If something could not be heard, seen, felt, smelled, or tasted, it did not exist. I found it fascinating to follow her journey of transformation, as she began to channel information from higher realms and sources on an almost a daily basis along with the personal development stages she experienced as a direct result of the information she received.

The book contains quite a bit of her channeled information as well as her reactions to the channeled material and how she struggled with whether or not to share what was happening to her with other people, especially at her place of work, which was a public school where she worked as a student counselor - a psychologist by profession during the three or four years of the writing of the book. (She retired in 2018.) As the title clearly indicates, the author has had a series of extraordinary supernatural experiences, and she kept accurate records of these in her journals and often made phone recordings as they happened.

Ms. Sanderson was shocked to receive her first audible message from spirit guides while driving to work in August 2013. This soon became a common practice which she faithfully recorded on her cell phone as they happened. Over time she also began to have extraordinary dreams, visions and encounters with other higher beings. In July of 2014 she attended an intensive program at the famous Monroe Institute designed to fine tune her spiritual-psychic abilities. Her perception skills and consciousness awareness and expansion then increased and as she advanced spiritually, a second book was published that recounted her encounters with angels and other higher beings.

As someone who is personally interested in consciousness growth and expansion, I was drawn to these books to learn what the author had experienced firsthand. She is intelligent and articulate and her journey shows us what is possible. Strictly speaking, the book narratives are not in chronological order. Rather, she groups experiences together and we walk along with her as they happen. Some readers will not like that approach and may find it disorienting.

As is so often the case, we don’t fully understand paranormal events as they happen and we often repeat things to ourselves trying to understand and find meaning. Then further experiences and hindsight help us put the pieces of the puzzle together. Just as we often repeat narratives to ourselves trying to find sense and meaning, there is some repetition in these books, which at this point total five books, as she leads us along with her.

Over a period of 10+ years Ms. Sanderson attended several additional spiritual development courses at the Monroe Institute in Virginia. I believe this is important because that training likely played an important role in preparing her for the experiences she recounts in her books. Monroe Institute offers many excellent programs for consciousness expansion, and people who consistently learn and practice these skills can potentially have experiences similar to what the author has recounted.

I would recommend the book for people planning to channel and those that are less familiar with channeled information as well as those who might enjoy the transformation of a linear thinker into a more enlightened being. This is a book that needs to be savored, not just read. Get it on Amazon!

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I‘ve spent the last twenty plus years exploring the Afterlife, NDEs (near death experiences), pre-death experiences, and other related metaphysical topics. I have read hundreds books on these topics and I have more waiting on my night stand. I enjoy discussing these topics and sharing my insights along with book reviews and my own subjective experiences. Join me for a ride into the unknown as I try to make these ideas more known!

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