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Voices in the Dark: My Life as a Medium

If you enjoy a good autobiography about the fascinating life of a most unique man who had the unequaled ability to channel voices of dead people using a method called Independent direct voice, then you will be delighted to learn all about the amazing rise from obscurity and destitute poverty to become likely the most amazing medium of our time! And along the way you will have a special personalized view of history from WWI through his experiences as a conscientious objector during WWII.

To begin with I didn't know what a direct voice medium was or how rare they are. However, you certainly will after reading this book. Leslie Flint became a famous British spirit medium, not because he stood on a platform to give messages from the deceased, but because countless thousands of spirit communicators spoke for themselves at his séances.

Flint's mediumship was tested by independent researchers time and again, and still the voices came to speak their message: that we are eternal spirits living a physical life and we live on after death.

I found it engrossing to follow Leslie’s personal thoughts as he developed through the various stages of his early life as he slowly discovered his mediumistic abilities, which in the beginning were fairly limited. For instance, he would have to go into a deep trance in order to bring spirits through and afterwards had no recollection of what had transpired. This bothered him because he felt like he had not been there and had been ‘gypped’ out of an hour of his waking life!

Leslie, while still a young man had ambitions to become a top flight ballroom dancer and for a time formed a bond with a beautiful young lady dance partner and it wasn’t long before they were winning contests and gaining fame. This became a major distraction while he was still developing his mediumistic skills. Fortunately for him (and us) he had guidance, much of it from on high I would say at critical junctures which kept him on track.

As things progressed, Leslie at about age 15 was invited to attend a medium development circle hosted by an up-scale Mrs. Cook who thought that his ability to channel deceased humans was beneath her dignity and so she pushed him to reach for only the highest most advanced entities. However, this became a damper on his abilities in short order. I recall one humorous occasion when the lady channeled her spirit guide, an “Egyptian temple dancer” who suddenly overtook her body making her dance like a lissome young temple girl; the only problem was that Mrs. Cook was a very large woman with huge floppy breasts and as she gyrated around the room poor Leslie could not contain himself, and busted out laughing! Afterward he was asked never to return! Lucky for him he was then able to find his own path and along with the best methodology to develop his abilities into top form.

As Leslie gained experience he attracted the assistance and support of a solid base of supporters who promoted him to present all over England including many large halls in London where thousands would crowd in to witness independent voice mediumship. And because this really only worked best in complete darkness they eventually discovered that they could build a light-tight box for Leslie to sit in while on stage with microphones situated well outside the box to pick up the voices.

One of the more engrossing threads throughout the book involves hearing from the famous Hollywood film star, Rudolph Valentino every so often. Unfortunately Valentino died at the young age of 31 in 1926. And in one of the earliest communications, he told Leslie that one day Leslie would hold a séance in a room at Valentino’s Hollywood home, Falcon Lair, which he had built in the Hollywood Hills. Of course young Leslie passed this off as nonsense, which however did come to pass in 1949 while on a trip to America, when through a complicated set of circumstances, which were actually quite delightful, it all unfolded as predicted!

Amazon book reviewer Brian Hurst wrote this testimonial: “Having known Leslie Flint for many years and having sat with him both in London and when he visited Hollywood in the U.S.A. I can testify wholeheartedly to his genuine ability to provide materialized voice boxes in the seance room enabling the spirits of many deceased personalities to communicate fluently and in character. This is the story of Leslie's difficult early life and his willingness to be subjected to many tests by extremely skeptical inquirers. Doreen Montgomery penned the book from many interviews and close observation of the medium. Doreen captured the complete essence of his being and did a marvelous job. This is a wonderful true life story that every grieving person should read. We can now be absolutely certain that death is NOT the end of life on this planet.

You can find this book inexpensively on Amazon Kindle for $6, however a hardcopy will set you back perhaps as much as $200!

If you want to hear actual recordings of some of the hundreds of voices recorded, many of which have been transcribed by numerous volunteers, check out The Leslie Flint Trust at

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I‘ve spent the last twenty plus years exploring the Afterlife, NDEs (near death experiences), pre-death experiences, and other related metaphysical topics. I have read hundreds books on these topics and I have more waiting on my night stand. I enjoy discussing these topics and sharing my insights along with book reviews and my own subjective experiences. Join me for a ride into the unknown as I try to make these ideas more known!

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