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Voyages into the Unknown

Book Overview: Voyages into the Unknown by Bruce Moen

- Voyages into the Unknown is the first of several books by OBE researcher Bruce Moen. I decided to purchase this book because I have long been a fan of Robert Monroe’s pioneering work into Consciousness via the Out of Body State, and Bruce Moen was a student of Robert Monroe. This book is based upon Mr. Moen’s experiences which he chronicled in a personal journal. It was published in 1997.

If you’re not familiar with Robert Monroe, he is the founder of The Monroe Institute. In 1956, Monroe started to study the effects of various sound patterns on human consciousness. In 1958, while using himself as a test subject, Monroe began to experience states of consciousness in which he felt himself separating from his physical body—what he described as an “out of body experience.” Wanting to learn more about these and other unusual experiences, Monroe began experimenting with expanded states of consciousness, eventually chronicled his experiences in the book trilogy, Journeys Out of the Body, Far Journeys, and Ultimate Journey.

I had already read all of Robert Monroe’s books and had even purchased and listened to a number of his pioneering audio meditation CDs he calls “Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technology,” albeit, the results, for me so far, had not been all that successful at producing the coveted OBE state. So I decided that perhaps it was time to investigate the experiences of one of his successful students. Enter, Bruce Moen!

I liked knowing that even a so-called ‘successful’ OBEer such as Bruce Moen had his trials, doubts, false starts and tribulations in making progress towards this elusive goal! And even more reassuringly, Mr. Moen paid fairly large amounts of money to attend week-long, in-person, immersive workshops at The Monroe Institute headquarters in Faber, Virginia. And he did this at least two or three times before he started to get the hang of it! However, once he found the ‘holy grail’ of how to successfully enter the OBE state, he decided to specialize in something Robert Monroe also specialized in – Soul Rescue Work. This is an official program of the Monroe Institute they call the “Lifeline Program.”

Here’s how they describe the Lifeline Program. “It is a first-of-its-kind program that can empower you with the extraordinary ability to journey into the afterlife state and be of service to others. In this incredible program, you will have the unique opportunity to explore: Contacting people who have departed, Performing “rescues and retrievals” on souls unable to move on, Visiting “The Park,” an afterlife reception center, Connecting with new guides and/or systems of guides, Reuniting with friends and relatives who have transitioned, Sending healing energy to those still embodied, Retrieving lost parts or fragments of oneself.”

Indeed, Mr. Moen was able to do many of these things after he learned the mechanics of the Out of Body State! He was lucky in that he was able to work with a woman friend he met at the Institute and then later also after returning home. They would meet in the OB state, have experiences together, write in a journal what they remember and then call each other later to compare notes. Most of the time their notes synchronized and this provided Bruce with much desired ‘evidence’ or proof that what he was experiencing was indeed real.

The Monroe System labels various areas of Non-physical Consciousness with non-biased terms such as Focus 10, Focus 12, Focus 15, etc. These are designated as lighter brainwave states. Focus 23 is the area souls go after they die when they either don’t know they are dead or cannot release their attachments to the Earth life experience. Focus 24, 25, 26 are what Monroe describes as the “Belief System Territories.” In other Spiritual Systems, these areas might be called The Bardo or Purgatory, etc. Human Souls that have taken up residence here are held captive in a realm described by their major beliefs. This includes people with major religious beliefs of all stripes; Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, Muslims, Atheists, etc. Additionally, he mentions that he encountered souls who held a belief in hell in Focus 25!

Focus 27 is the area most human souls go to after they die. It is best described as “The Reception Center, or Park.” It can appear to be in any configuration that would be comforting to the individual who is making their transition. Most decent people will find themselves in The Park when they die. There they will find volunteers of all kinds – whatever they may need, be it a doctor, a nurse, guides, etc. After a period of rest and recuperation souls will eventually either take up residence in the Park or maybe ascend to a higher level, decide to reincarnate, etc.; whatever is the perfect next step for them.

They whole reason that Robert Monroe decided to explore all of these higher Focus levels was that at the time, his wife was ill and he wanted to be assured as to where she would go after her transition. He called in “Death Insurance!”

Back to our author, Bruce Moen. Mr. Moen was extremely attracted to learning how to conduct stuck people from the lower Focus Levels or Astral Planes up to Focus 27 – The Park Reception Center. Evidently there is quite a large need for actual humans who are still living in Earth Bodies to become intermediaries in this work! And the reason for this is that humans living in the Earthly realm are vibrationally closer to the souls still stuck in these areas and so we have a better opportunity to reach them and somehow convince them to move on up than Beings residing in the Higher Dimensions.

So if you are interested in becoming an Angel of sorts, I suggest reading this book as well as those of Robert Monroe. Bruce Moen has gone on to write several other books beyond Voyages Into The Unknown. You can find all of his books on his Amazon author page. He also has a website called where you can get up to date information on his activities and workshops.

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I‘ve spent the last twenty plus years exploring the Afterlife, NDEs (near death experiences), pre-death experiences, and other related metaphysical topics. I have read hundreds books on these topics and I have more waiting on my night stand. I enjoy discussing these topics and sharing my insights along with book reviews and my own subjective experiences. Join me for a ride into the unknown as I try to make these ideas more known!

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