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When 2 Dead Presidents Met In The White House!

A White House Visitation Story Taken from: My Travels in the Spirit World by Caroline D. Larsen (Pub. 1927)

The astral spirit traveling wandering author, Caroline D. Larsen writes of one of the strangest incidents in all her astral wanderings on earth. And I must admit that upon completion of her intriguing book depicting her many types of Out of Body Soul Traveling adventures, this one might just top the list! One of the recent presidents had died and the whole country had taken a special interest in the news pertaining to his death. This aroused in her a strong desire to know how he might feel in the spirit body. Upon the first occasion she left her physical body and headed straight for the White House.

Instead of finding the spirit of the recently deceased president, as she had expected, to her surprise she came across the spirit of a president who had departed Earthly life about a hundred years ago. He had been one of the first chief executives of our country. He appeared to be a stately, aristocratic looking personage, fastidiously dressed in the height of the fashion of his time with knee breeches, silk stockings and buckled shoes. He was seated in a huge chair, crosslegged, conversing with his wife. She was also attired in highly fashionable dress.

She states, “As I passed through the room the old president looked at me with a cold haughtiness, a glance of mingled annoyance and of curiosity, as if he resented my intrusion and questioned my purpose. But my presence was speedily ignored by the old president, as still another spirit entered the room—that of the recently deceased president. He seemed in a perfect daze. I could

judge from his stupor that he was absolutely unaware of what had actually happened to him. He seemed unable to reason or to think clearly. He evidently tried, with great effort, to collect his thoughts that he might comprehend his predicament. He could not understand why strange visitors were present without his invitation. But the tense situation did not last long, for the old president now rose slowly to his feet. Advancing a few steps, and assuming an authoritative air he placed himself directly in front of the newly arrived president. Without any display of ceremony he addressed him: "Well, I am not going so far as to order you out of here; you may stay until you find yourself, but after that you must depart."

“After this spirit had left, the old President condescendingly confided: ‘I do not like this spirit and I have never liked the way in which he ran the Country.’ Then he turned and left the room. Sizing up the situation quickly, I realized that this spirit couple had been bound to the White House all these years and had prevented themselves from advancing simply because their minds had been and were still securely linked to that environment where they in the flesh had enjoyed so much power and glory. They were jealously regarding everything which had been and was even yet happening in that famous place.”

After considerable research, I feel that the best possible match for the Old President is most likely James Madison, the 4th President of the United States (1809-1817). His wife was the fashionable Dolley Madison. Also, James Madison had left office 106 years before what the author has described as “the recently deceased president,” who was most likely Warren G. Harding, who had suddenly died in 1923 from a heart attack while in San Francisco. As stated in the story, the recent president would likely have been disoriented by his sudden death.

The main point of this story is: Before taking final leave of the earth all spirits hover about their old environment. The author states, “For those generously endowed with highly developed spiritual qualities, the period of transition to large attainments (in the Afterlife) is short. Others, less developed, are chained more firmly to the interests of their old life. But the majority of spirits remain earthbound for protracted periods because they are unaware that any change has taken place.

The book is available for free as a pdf or on Amazon, or wherever fine old books are sold! But if you have a lot of cash burning a hole in your pocket, you might be tempted to buy the Sensational 1927 Rare Typed Occult Manuscript of "My Travels in the Spirit World" for $3,850!

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I‘ve spent the last twenty plus years exploring the Afterlife, NDEs (near death experiences), pre-death experiences, and other related metaphysical topics. I have read hundreds books on these topics and I have more waiting on my night stand. I enjoy discussing these topics and sharing my insights along with book reviews and my own subjective experiences. Join me for a ride into the unknown as I try to make these ideas more known!

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